1. 基本方針
2. 適用範囲
3. 個人情報の取得と利用目的
(1) インターマンは、お客様から以下の情報をご提供頂いております。
(2) インターマンは、お客様からの情報を以下の目的で利用いたします。
4. 個人情報の管理
5. 第三者提供の有無
6. 個人情報の開示・訂正・利用停止等
7. プライバシーポリシーの改訂
8. 他のサイトとのリンクについて
9. 個人情報の開示・訂正について
10. お問い合わせ窓口
インターマン株式会社 代表取締役社長
1. Basic Policy
Interman Corporation (henceforth Interman) believes that protecting and managing the private information you have provided us with is our social responsibility. Interman will comply with all laws and ordinances regarding the handling of personal information and conduct the acquisition, use and management of the information that we handle in an appropriate manner.
2. Applicability
This policy applies to customers who conduct business with Interman, and explains the policy that Interman will follow when handling customers’ personal information and similar in the course of all the services we provide.
3. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information
(1) Interman collects the following information from customers:
(2) We will use the information that we collect from customers for the purposes listed below.
4. Handling of personal information
Interman will implement the following thoroughgoing measures regarding the handling of information collected from customers:
5. Provision to Third Parties
Interman will not under any circumstances sell or lend customer information to third parties outside our dealings with customers. Interman may, to the extent necessary to achieve the stated purpose, entrust personal information to other companies.
6. Disclosure, Correction and Cessation of Use of Personal Information
Interman may disclose customer information in the following circumstances. As a general rule, we will only respond to requests for disclosure from the customer themselves, but for corporate customers, we may respond to an employee within the same corporation.
7. Revision of the Privacy Policy
Interman’s business is constantly evolving. As a result, we may revise this policy without prior notice. If changes to the privacy policy have occurred, we will provide notice on our company website. Please check the most recent version of the privacy policy as required. Unless otherwise stated, the current privacy policy applies to all information that we hold on our customers. Please be aware that we can accept no liability whatsoever for any problems that arise from not checking the privacy policy.
8. Links to other Websites
In the event that links to other websites are posted on the Interman website, we can accept no responsibility for those websites’ protection of customer information. (We recommend that you check the privacy policies of each website.)
9. Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information
If Interman receives a request from a customer for the disclosure or correction of personal information, we will respond promptly in a reasonable manner. However, we may request an appropriate fee that takes into account the expense involved. Additionally, if the customer is in arrears of payment to Interman, or has a history of being so, we will deal with the matter under separate provisions.
10. Inquiries
If you have any questions or complaints regarding this document or Interman’s protection of personal information, please contact us here: askul_info@interman.co.jp
Interman Corporation President & CEO
Shigeki Uetabira